Sunday, November 11, 2012

A great day!

Yesterday was a great day at The Yellow Dog's Barn Open House and Holiday Pet Portraits! The weather was perfect and we had a nice turn-out. Budd Perry of Memories Studio took so many wonderful pictures. Everyone who had portraits taken left with such a big smile. Thats how Budd rolls :)  
The NHSPCA folks were very happy with the turn out as well. Two very cute little kittens went to new homes yesterday! We had the pleasure of spending the day with many animals from the SPCA: Two dogs, 3 kittens, 4 bunnies, a guinea pig and two rats.  This is Monte and Fergie:
They are a bonded pair and hope to find a home together. I spent a lot of time yesterday holding these two. They are wonderful bunnies!
I was quite proud of myself to have not taken any animals home with me. I think I've got a full enough plate right now :)

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