Friday, April 5, 2013

Daddy I want to see the dog! (A true story)

My parents moved to Florida in the mid 1990’s, so began my annual visits to the sunshine state. Since my parents were the only ones I trusted to care for my little dog Lucas, he always came along. The first few times I flew down to Florida, I bought plane tickets for Lucas. But no one ever asked to see his ticket or seem to care that he was on the plane. So one winter, I decided to not to purchase a ticket for him. I would just carry him on like I always did.

When the day of departure arrived, I was a bit nervous, but got thru security and onto the plane with no problems at all.  Once the plane pushed off and was taxing down the runway, I let Luke poke his head out of his travel bag, like I’d done on our previous flights. Just then the stewardess came to check that seatbacks were up and tray tables locked away…she stopped short and her eyes just about bugged out of her head. “Is that a dog?” she asked. The shocked look on her face made me decide to play dumb and see where this would go. I simply said “Yes it is”.  She asked for his ticket and I said I didn’t know he needed one.
She told me to put him completely back in the bag and for us to stay put (no problem-where would we go?). And she sped off towards the cock pit area.

Not a minute later, the plane stopped moving. Several minutes later, the stewardess returned. She informed me that the pilot has been in contact with the tower and since no pets were allowed on this particular flight, that my dog would have to be moved to the cargo area.  Well, there was no way I was going to let that happen. I firmly but politely refused to put Lucas in cargo and off again went our frazzled stewardess to inform the pilot of my refusal. As you can imagine, there were a lot of un-impressed passengers around me who knew that my dog and I were the reason we were not in the air yet.
Soon, the pilot came on the intercom and apologized for the delay and informed the passengers that if anyone was allergic to dogs or preferred not to be seated near one, they should inform the stewardess and she would re-seat them. When no one spoke up, we finally began to taxi towards take-off again and I was informed that “that dog” is to remain in the closed carrier and under the seat in front of me for the duration of the flight.

Once in the air, the pilot came over the intercom again and told us all the normal information that they give: how high we were flying and how we stayed lower than most jets because our plane was smaller than others. He told us about the weight of the cargo and passengers on the plane. And since the plane was small, pets were not allowed in the passenger compartment. He went on to say with a chuckle “but it seems that we have stow-away on our plane today”.
When we reached our destination, as I was about to depart the plane, I was greeted by the pilot and co-pilot who wanted to personally meet my little friend. So Lucas finally got to come out of his carrier and say hi. When I held Lucas up so everyone could see him, my fellow passengers clapped and said how cute he was and what a good dog he’d been during the flight.

The pilot happily suggested that I contact the airline before I fly with Lucas again. “Absolutely” I said. “I sure don’t want to go thru that again!” And off we went into the warm sunshine to enjoy a week with family and friends.

A few days into my visit with my parents in sunny Florida, I realized that soon, I would be headed home to New Hampshire without a ticket for the dog!
I called the airline to inquire about purchasing a ticket for my dog’s flight home. I was informed that the flight I was scheduled on (the same as I flew down on) did not allow pets of any kind in the passenger compartment. He would have to fly in the cargo area. Again, I refused, there was no way I would do that to him. I asked about switching my flight. “No problem” she said. She could get me out on the same day, but there would be a $100 flight change charge as well as $50 for my dog’s ticket. “Or” she told me, “You didn’t hear this from me. Why don’t you bring him home the same way you got him here? Just don’t get caught this time”.

I couldn’t believe it, but she was telling me to sneak Lucas back on a plane! I thanked her for her help and said I would have to think about it. I really didn’t want to have to spend an extra $150 to get home, so I decided to go for it and sneak Lucas on the plane again.
When the day to go home finally came, I was so nervous! Lucas’s carry bag was black with screened mesh sides. I put a black t-shirt on him to try and hide him as much as possible.  When I got to the airport and headed to my gate, I had to pass thru a big set of doors with a huge “No dog’s allowed” sign painted across the doors. Of course, now I was even more afraid that someone would notice the dog in my bag and I was sure I looked guilty as hell.

 I tried to keep Lucas’s carry bag low to the ground and stayed in a crowd of people whenever possible. I managed to get on the plane without anyone seeing him and thank goodness, he was a great little dog who never made a peep in the bag! I finally began to relax as the plane began to move away from the gate. Then to my horror, I heard a very young girl say “Daddy, I want to see the doggie!”

I thought “oh my god, here we go again!” That little girl a seated a few rows behind us must have seen Lucas in his bag! I pushed his carrier a little further under the seat in front of me and prayed he wouldn’t make a sound. To my relief, the dad told her there was no dog. “Whew!”

 No stewardess came to investigate her demand to see a dog and we continued down the runway. But the little girl was very determined and asked again and again. She got louder each time. This went on for several minutes: “Daddy I want to see the dog!” “There is no dog, not just read your book”, “BUT I WANT TO SEE THE DOGGGGGIEEE!!!!!” There is NO DOG, now stop it”. I couldn’t believe we were going to get caught because of this little girl. Thankfully, after an eternity, I felt the plane leave the ground and I could finally breathe again. The little girl asked to see the dog several more times but I didn’t really care. We were headed home!

When we landed in Manchester, and we got off the plane, I finally let Lucas out of his carrier without caring who saw him. We made it!

 As I gave Luke a drink of water, I heard the little girl’s voice again. “There he is Daddy, come on, I want to see the doggie!”  They approached us and the dad asked if his daughter could say hi to my dog. As she pet Luke, I told him how I had snuck the dog on the plane and I thought she was going to get us kicked off. He said that they were on a connecting flight and their earlier flight did have a dog on it so he thought she meant that one.

I never found out if she had seen my little stow-away dog or not, but I can tell you that I purchased a ticket for him the next time we visited my parents!
                                               Lucas  2/1/1986 - 1/26/2002


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