Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Picture

Hello and Happy Holidays!
So, I’ve been wondering if anyone reads my blogs… I really don’t care; it’s fun to have a place to write stuff if I’m in the mood to write something, kinda like facebook, but not so annoying. And I'm pretty sure my mother reads them :)

There are days when I think I really should post a new blog, but maybe it’s not in me… so I don’t. I think you would thank me for that.

Today, I was a little bored, so I checked the site where I can see how often my blogs are read. I had 11 views yesterday… I think that’s a record. That tells me that I should try and post on Thursday since people are bored on Fridays and looking for something to do when they should be working. I'll try, but I cant make any promises.
I really didn’t plan to post anything today, but I feel I owe it to the eleven people who checked in to see if I’d shared any new details on my life… life is good, but nothing exciting enough to write about. I would like to share a picture with you though. We got this picture with a trail camera on Christmas. Isn’t he cute?

1 comment:

  1. Hey JoAnne,

    Keep blogging! Great pic of bear - before the post-Christmas snow! The bears should be denning but until now the temps have been pretty warm.

    And I love the three black dogs :-)

    Happy New Year, Ellen
