Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Picture

Hello and Happy Holidays!
So, I’ve been wondering if anyone reads my blogs… I really don’t care; it’s fun to have a place to write stuff if I’m in the mood to write something, kinda like facebook, but not so annoying. And I'm pretty sure my mother reads them :)

There are days when I think I really should post a new blog, but maybe it’s not in me… so I don’t. I think you would thank me for that.

Today, I was a little bored, so I checked the site where I can see how often my blogs are read. I had 11 views yesterday… I think that’s a record. That tells me that I should try and post on Thursday since people are bored on Fridays and looking for something to do when they should be working. I'll try, but I cant make any promises.
I really didn’t plan to post anything today, but I feel I owe it to the eleven people who checked in to see if I’d shared any new details on my life… life is good, but nothing exciting enough to write about. I would like to share a picture with you though. We got this picture with a trail camera on Christmas. Isn’t he cute?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Shooby Doo

A little update on Shooby's ACL recovery:

It’s been 6 weeks since his surgery on October 31st and he is doing awesome!

Two years ago, my youngest dog Eddie tore his ACL. As a matter of fact, it was also in October and Eddie’s Halloween costume was just like Shooby’s was this year:

When researching how to best deal with Eddie’s torn ACL, I found a very informative website:  Topdog Animal Health & Rehabilitation. The website is:

So, once again, I combed every page of the website and I found an excellent (and FREE) Home Rehabilitation Guide. The guide is a step-by-step booklet that takes you through every phase of ACL rehabilitation.  It starts out with how to prepare the house for the homecoming post-surgery and thoroughly explains when and how to perform various exercises to strengthen the dog.
On the website, I also found many short videos on how to perform the exercises suggested in the booklet.

In addition to our in-home rehab, Shooby has been for several visits to Tails of Rye, a state-of-the-art canine rehabilitation center in Rye, New Hampshire. At Tails of Rye, Dimitra performs ultrasound/electrical stimulation, laser treatments and aquatic therapy. You can check out her website at:    Here are a few pictures of Shooby on the underwater treadmill :)


Shooby is also receiving acupuncture treatment with Dr. Toolan at Oyster River Vet, in Lee NH. He is not as excited about it as my dog Onyx is, but he is beginning to accept it better with each visit.  
Shooby and I have been working very hard at home to follow his home rehab and continue to visit Tails of Rye and ORV for weekly acupuncture. 
It’s been a lot of work and is pretty time consuming, but I am happy to say that Shooby is well on his way to a healthy recovery and I cannot wait to see him running again in the spring!