My name is JoAnne and I’ve got the best job ever (at least that is what people tell me). I am co-owner of a dog daycare called The Yellow Dog’s Barn in Barrington NH. I love dogs. And I love talking about them.
It’s all about the dog! Yup, the main subject of my blogs will be
all about dogs! Some blogs might be about daycare dogs, some about my dogs and our adventures, or my other pets , trips to
the vets, (ya, there may be alot about vet visits). The list of dog related
subjects is endless. I have a many ideas for future blogs. I have a feeling there may be some mention of cats, bunnys, chickens or some other animal who's on my mind.I hope you will find them interesting, enlightening and entertaining and I look forward to your feedback.
I live in Nottingham, NH
with my husband Todd and our menagerie of pets which I may have mentioned before.
SMPP. Social Media Peer Pressure. First a website, then a facebook page, then a blog. That just what you have to do. Right? But the other reason is that everyone who knows me knows that I can be a talker and that I always have a story to tell, especially when it comes to dogs. So now I have a place to put my ramblings.
I hope to post weekly at the very least. I am already working on my next blog
which will be about accupunture for animals. I am excited about writing it and
sharing with you all that I’ve learned!