Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thunder & Fireworks!

Its been a tough going for a lot of pets and pet-owners over the last week or so and its not going to get any better as the storms continue and the 4th of July approaches. At my house, two of my three dogs are afraid of thunder, rain and fire works. Neither Eddie or Onyx are destructive as some dogs can be during a stressful storm or loud fireworks, but both get very stressed.
We have found that the Thundershirts do work well for both dogs. Here is a picture of Eddie sporting not only his Thundershirt, but also what we call his "thunder-ear"!
When ever Eddie thinks a storm is coming, or if he hears fireworks, one of his long ears will stand up straight until the threat is over. No need to say that he's been wearing a thunder-ear for the past week!
We have tried calming pills and find that they also help, but if a storm passes by without much fuss, then they dogs are dopy all night. So I prefer to just use the Thundershirts unless its a bad storm.
The shirts do not make everything completely better for the dogs, but where normally, Eddie would be hiding in the bathroom and not come out until the next day, during this storm, he chose to hang out in the kitchen. When the storm passed, he joined us in the living room like nothing had happened. So, while the shirt cant make the storm go away, it helps the dogs to deal with it better.
For some dogs and even cats, medication is necessary for the safety of the pet. There are several over the counter options available or for sever cases, a call to the vet is required for stronger meds. It breaks my heart to think of all the dogs who will get loose over the next few days trying to escape the firework noise, only to find themselves lost and alone.
In any case, lets hope that pet owners are smart during this noisy holiday and keep their pets safe and calm at home.